In Loving memory of Sylvia Anne Smith

All our memories we share,

mean we will never be apart,

although you won't be by our side,

you wlll always be in our hearts x


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Mum, no words can express the sadness of losing you x We are completely heartbroken that you have gone. You were loving and caring to all of us, a wonderful Wife, Mum & Nana too. When Allison and I needed you most, you never left our side. Such a vibrant elegant lady, we are SO PROUD to call you 'OUR MUM'. You had a humble start in life, yet many happy times were shared with your brothers and sisters and our beloved 'Nana Hall'. We loved listening to all the stories of your childhood memories, swinging on that garden gate at 13 Ellerton Road. The sharing of shoes and the bath water too, the unusual bed warming ritual your eldest sister made you and Auntie Iris do. When you all got together it was as if you had never been apart! We have been looking through our photos and although your beautiful smile has brought many tears to our eyes, others have brought lots of laughter. How lucky we have been to have shared so many wonderful years together and special celebrations with you. Life will never be the same without you x Over the years you made incredible memories with family and friends, especially 'The Crowd', we all had such fun times together, you shared a special bond with them all. Not forgetting those family & friends who have sadly departed, we pray you are with them now - God Bless them all. You loved to have nice things in life, but was never too extravagant. Although Dad might disagree ? We won't forget our shopping trips where we would usually end up spending hours and hours in your beloved Marks & Spencers, where you worked for many years and made a lifelong friend. Determined to keep fit and healthy, you managed to stay looking so young, for so long. Many have remembered you as such a beautiful glamours woman, and they're not wrong! Our line Dancing Queen until the end, whenever there was music playing there was always a wiggle and a smile! Even when you couldn't remember all the steps you continued to persevere. Sadly Parkinson's started to take over in the last 7 years of your life - but you held on tight to your dignity, so brave and so strong. At times you kept us on our toes with those scary tumbles and your infamous tuck and rolls. You had such amazing strength right up until the end. Even though we can not hold your beautiful hands or hug you tight anymore you will FOREVER be in our hearts x We miss you so much already. Sleep Tight Mum and God Bless xx
Allison & Louise
3rd February 2021
Sylvia was a very special woman, beloved Wife, Daughter, Mother, Nana, Sister, Aunt & Friend x She lived a long life and was dearly loved and very much respected and admired. She had a zest for life and her family was everything to her. She faced something none of us could imagine, she did it with grace, dignity and such strength. The same way she lived her life and we are so thankful she was part of ours. Our memories are precious, she will always hold a special place in our hearts, that no-one else can fill. We will cry for our loss, miss her fiercely and laugh with our memories, probably all at the same time. For now, we pray for God's comfort for you all and send you our love and prayers until we can hold you again xx Love Iris & family
Iris Karen Glenn & Family x
3rd February 2021
Nana, We will miss grabbing hold of your shaky hand and sitting together in the garden, You taught us how to play cards and introduced us to the Legend that is Barbara Streisand! Your misshaped mince pies were delicious, and we will try to remake the apple crumble that was pretty much just Crumble! Your concoction of Ribena & Lemonade will forever taste like summer. You showed us the true meaning of 'loving your sister' and we will never dance again without thinking of you ! We will replay the last words, last hugs, the last wink and the last smily again and again...... We Love you Forever x Jade and Gabriela
Jade & Gabriela xx
3rd February 2021
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